LIBERATED: A Lent Series

A message series based on the book by A.J. Swaboda, "The Gift of Thorns: Jesus, the Flesh, and the War Over Our Wants"

The Gift of Thorns Jesus, the Flesh, and the War for Our Wants Today’s follower of Jesus exists at a moment in history when our desires, longings, and wants are being weaponized against us by cultural, spiritual, and relational forces. “Follow your heart” and “You do you” has become our moment’s mantras. The result, for too many, is feeling torn asunder by the raging desires within. What do we do with our desire? What about our unwanted desires? And how do we cultivate desires which bring life and freedom and lead to Christ? The Gift of Thorns, by A. J. Swoboda, addresses these questions and more. The path forward is anything but easy. It is assumed by too many in the Christian community that desire is in and of itself bad or dangerous and must be crucified for simply existing. Desire is demonic for some. But, for many others–particularly in the secular West–desire must be followed through and through. This side deifies desire. But these two options sidestep the joy in the great challenge of finding God in our desire. There exists an ancient and sacred way that is forged around the life, wisdom, and power of Jesus and his Spirit. In short, what makes a follower of Christ is not whether or not we have desires. Rather, it is what we do with the desires we have. Near the end of the story of humanity’s rebellion, the theme of “thorns” is introduced. As readers will discover, the thematic repetition of “thorns” pops up over and over throughout the Bible. What are the thorns for? They will be, in the words of God, “for you” (Gen. 3:18). The premise of this book is that a world where we do not get all that we want is, well, the greatest gift ever.The Gift of Thorns Jesus, the Flesh, and the War for Our Wants Today’s follower of Jesus exists at a moment in history when our desires, longings, and wants are being weaponized against us by cultural, spiritual, and relational forces. “Follow your heart” and “You do you” has become our moment’s mantras. The result, for too many, is feeling torn asunder by the raging desires within. What do we do with our desire? What about our unwanted desires? And how do we cultivate desires which bring life and freedom and lead to Christ? The Gift of Thorns, by A. J. Swoboda, addresses these questions and more. The path forward is anything but easy. It is assumed by too many in the Christian community that desire is in and of itself bad or dangerous and must be crucified for simply existing. Desire is demonic for some. But, for many others–particularly in the secular West–desire must be followed through and through. This side deifies desire. But these two options sidestep the joy in the great challenge of finding God in our desire. There exists an ancient and sacred way that is forged around the life, wisdom, and power of Jesus and his Spirit. In short, what makes a follower of Christ is not whether or not we have desires. Rather, it is what we do with the desires we have. Near the end of the story of humanity’s rebellion, the theme of “thorns” is introduced. As readers will discover, the thematic repetition of “thorns” pops up over and over throughout the Bible. What are the thorns for? They will be, in the words of God, “for you” (Gen. 3:18). The premise of this book is that a world where we do not get all that we want is, well, the greatest gift ever.

LIBERATED: Living out our desires in the freedom of Christ!

Synopsis: Lent is the 40-day preparation for Easter, where Christians commemorate Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the desert before beginning his public ministry, marked by fasting and prayer. At New Hope Fellowship we are using this season as a Spiritual campaign to understand that we are in a moment in history when our desires, longings, and wants are being weaponized against us by cultural, spiritual, and relational forces. “Follow your heart” and “You do you” has become our moment’s mantras. The result, for too many, is feeling torn asunder by the raging desires within. What do we do with our desire? What about our unwanted desires? And how do we cultivate desires which bring life and freedom and lead to Christ. In this message series based on the biblical-theological principles of A.J. Swoboda’s book we will dive deep into Scripture to learn about human desire, Satan’s Desire, and even God’s desire. Furthermore, we will discover what makes a follower of Christ is not whether we have desires but what we do with them. In the words of the author, A.J. Swoboda, we will find that the things we thought where thorns may in fact be the greatest of gifts.

February Sermons

February 2nd

God's Desire: From Inmate to Intimacy

February 9th

Temptation Not to Trust

February 16th

Satan's Desire: The Lie You Have Missed Out!

February 23rd

A Civil War of Desires

March Sermons

March 2nd

The Challenges, Choices, and Consequences that Shrink Your Passion

March 9th

The Gift of Pain

March 16th

Dying to Live

March 23rd

The Cross is a Way of Life

March 30th

Healthy Love that Lives God's Priorities

April Sermons

April 6th

Resurrecting My God - Size Desire

April 13th

The Journey Home