Welcome Team New Hope!

We do ministry as a Team and every TEAM leader functions as a Coach in order to help people on their journey of serving in areas of ministry service in our Church Community. Our goal is to create a Culture of Coaching:
It is our desire at New Hope Fellowship that rather than just creating a coaching structure for leaders, try creating an entire culture of coaching. Imagine a place where everyone has a coach, and everyone is serving as a coach. That would be a place where people ask each other questions and then really listen to the answers. Where people help each other brainstorm options and think through possible courses of action. A place where people pray together and listen for the voice and direction of God together. Where people follow up with each other and ask how their endeavors went and what additional support they might need. 
We all need someone to come alongside us to help us determine the next faithful step we can take toward our goals in life and ministry. That’s what it means to equip one another for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up (Ephesians 4:12). 
On very team is an opportunity to make a Difference! Like every team we desire to create a Culture of Health, Development, Honor, and Safety which is in alignment with the Head Coach Jesus Christ!
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17, ESV
Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
Romans 12:10, ESV

Head Coach, Team Lead - Team Lead Men's Ministry

Team Coach - Lead for Women's Ministry

Team Coach - Lead for Youth Ministry

Team Coach - Lead Marriage Ministry, Pastoral Counseling & Spiritual Formation

Team Coach - Lead for Graphics and Social Media

Reed Albertson

Connection Coach

Team Coach -Lead for Administration & Missions

Team Coach - Lead for Children's Ministry

Team Coach - Lead Worship and Arts Ministry

Team Coach - Lead for Office & Administration

Team Coach - Lead Facilities Atmosphere & Discipleship

Team Coach - Lead Web Page CRM Management & Tech Team